1 Year Old Birthday Party Entertainment
It’s been quite a year of “firsts” and a Baby’s 1st birthday is definitely something to celebrate!
- Oftentimes, a 1 year old party includes a variety of different aged children and parents desire party activities to entertain as many kids as possible.
- And sometimes a 1st birthday is filled with only babies and all activities need to be geared toward the 15 months and under crowd.
What should you expect from a 1 year old at their own birthday party?
Each baby is different. Some babies become clingy and need time to adjust when their environment becomes filled with party guests.
Other babies enjoy the many people and festive noise, and are happy to explore everything new that is happening.
If your one year old is awake instead of napping, smiling at guests and the entertainer, and you get some good photos, you have done fantastic!
Need first birthday party ideas?
Here are some activities that babies and 1-year-old’s enjoy:

Parachute Games
Have adults and big kids help hold the edges of a colorful parachute. Together bounce a soft toy up and down on top of the parachute.
- If mostly babies, play peek-a-boo. Have all the babies sit under the parachute while adults lift the parachute up and down. As the parachute covers the children ask, “Where is Johnny?” as the As the parachute lifts say, “There he is!”
Each time the parachute is lifts, call out another child’s name, till all babies have been acknowledged. - Sit your 1-year-old birthday child on top of the parachute while adults and big kids gently billow the parachute around him. For added fun, sing happy birthday and wave. Your baby will either LOVE this or hate it…depends on your child. If they like it, it makes a fun and colorful photograph or video so have your camera ready.

Music, Maracas and Bubbles
Most babies love music and Freeze Dancing with maracas makes hearing music even more fun.
- When one-year-old children hold maracas in both hands, they seem even more focused and content. Shake, shake, shake the maracas, and…stop!
- After the freeze dance song finishes, get out some bubbles. Blow bubbles and let the kids pop away.

Sing-a-longs with hand puppets
Gather parents and little ones together to sing a few songs babies find familiar. Add some hand puppets and it is even more fun!
- Examples: Pull out a spider puppet and everyone sings Itsy Bitsy Spider … Have all the kids put a hand out that want a tickle from a ladybug…pull out Elmo and sing the Alphabet song or Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.
How does Sparkles the Clown provide 1 year old birthday party entertainment?
I usually start with face painting. Since this is an individual activity, it’s perfect as guests are arriving.
- A one-year-old doesn’t usually enjoy getting body paint, but older children love it. Starting with painting also gives shy children a chance to warm up to their new environment.

Once all the guests have arrived and been painted, I gather all children together and do any or all of the group activities mentioned above.
- I start with the activities babies will like, since they have a short attention span, then, cater to older kids.
- The Limbo is a good group game for a variety of different age children.

After the games are finished I twist balloon animals.
- I usually make balloons be the final activity since kids are easily distracted. If a balloon animal untwists or pops kids are less likely to focus on anything else until the balloon is fixed or replaced.
What 1st birthday party activities will create fun memories for your 1 year old?
Are you planning a 1 year old birthday party? Thinking of hiring a clown for a 1st birthday?
If you live near Los Angeles, CA (or in the San Fernando Valley)
Call 818-994-1441 (Ask for Colette – Sparkles)
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