Restaurant Entertainment for Kids
Attract families to your restaurant with a clown for a Family Night, Kids Eat Free Night or seasonal restaurant promotion. Sparkles the Clown will create a kid-friendly restaurant by providing entertainment for kids.

Clown for Restaurant Entertainment
A clown providing balloon animals or face painting will help keep kids occupied.
- Is your restaurant is going to be packed with children for a Kids Night, Fundraiser, or some other Restaurant Event?
- Is a holiday coming up where many families with children will be waiting a long time to be seated?
- Are you hosting a private party at a restaurant and need entertainment to keep kids from running around?
It’s easier for parents to relax when their kids are focused and happy. Sparkles the Clown could help make your restaurant event fun.
Restaurant Entertainment for Kids - Balloon Animals and Face Painting
Sparkles the Clown can help keep kids entertained with Balloon Animals or Face Painting.
- Clown is friendly and has a fun personality.
- Sparkles put herself through college by being a waitress so this clown is very conscious of the needs of restaurant staff.
- Sparkles the Clown is located in the San Fernando Valley and entertains in Restaurants near Los Angeles, CA

Some Restaurants have an ongoing Kids Night, a Summer Promo, Holiday Promo, or Seasonal Events to bring in regulars.
If your restaurant is located in an outdoor mall, perhaps mall management or neighboring stores would co-host courtyard entertainment.
Special rates are available for local, recurring events.
(Consider a once-a-month Family Night or a Weekly or Bi-weekly event.)
Find out more About the Clown