Hire A Clown
Frequently Asked Questions
What party activities will you provide?
I can do any or all of the following activities for kids:
- Hand and Face Painting
- Twisty Balloon Animals
- Party Games: Limbo, Parachute Games, Freeze Dancing
- Bubbles, Maracas, and Tunnel Time (for 1 to 3-year-olds)
- Ribbon Twirlers (for older kids age 6 and up)
- Silly Magic (great for a variety of ages)
- Sing-a-longs with Hand Puppets (1 through 6 years)
- Tossing Games (for children of all ages)
- Candy Scramble (great for older kids and larger events with a variety of different age kids)
I can do a single activity or many – whatever is appropriate for your event.
Do you entertain children of different ages?
Yes. I usually entertain children age 1 to 10.
Kids age 2 through 6 years love everything I do.
- Babies, preschoolers and 6-year-olds need a slightly different approach. What 5 and 6-year-olds find hysterical will scare a 2 year old.
- I prepare age appropriate activities and am able to keep a mixed age group of kids entertained. (Click links below to see activities I lead for specific ages.)
1-year-old entertainment
2-year-old entertainment
3-year-old entertainment
4, 5 and 6-year-old entertainment
7 and 8-year-old entertainment
- I will entertain older children ( 9 & 10-year-olds) after you, the birthday child, and I agree on fun party activities that would be “cool” enough! Call to brainstorm ideas.
- Arts and Crafts Packages are also available. Call for details.
Can you make twisty balloon animals?
Yes – I twist balloons and kids LOVE them.
- I twist many things out of 1 or 2 balloons so kids get a turn pretty quickly.
- I make dogs, (poodles, regular dogs or wiener dogs), balloon swords, hearts, hats (crazy hats or heart hats), a cat, bunny, giraffe, flying mouse, snake, bumble bee, humming bird, parrot, elephant…
Can you provide face painting?
I do both hand and face painting. The 2-and-under kids seem to prefer painting on their arm or hand. (It seems they like to SEE what I am doing to them.)
- I paint faces to look like a: Cat, Princess, Unicorn, Butterfly, Dog, Pirate, Tiger, Lion, Minnie Mouse, Bunny, Batman, Camouflage…
- On arms and hands I paint spiders, basketballs, ladybugs, snakes, fish, lizards, hearts, stars, flowers and more…
At what types of events will you entertain kids?
I entertain children at all sorts of events including:
- Grand Openings, Mall Events and Kids Clubs
- Children’s Birthday Parties (in homes, parks, at a daycare or preschool)
- Line Entertainment (Santa Claus Lines, Street Fairs and Carnival Lines, even Flu Shot Lines!)
- Restaurants – Family Night, Kids Eat Free Night, a busy Holiday, Promo or Fundraiser Event (when anticipating lots of children)
- End of School Parties, Classroom Parties, Camp Entertainment
- Company Picnics, Holiday Parties, Community Events
Are you a Clown near me?
I am a Clown located in Los Angeles, California. (I am based in the center of the San Fernando Valley)
- I entertain children in the San Fernando Valley, Simi Valley, Santa Clarita and surrounding areas.
- I will travel to any location that is to our mutual benefit.
- Learn more About the Clown
What are your rates?
Price is based on the location of your event, time present, and activities chosen.
- Please contact me and include the location and date of your event.
(I will get back to you as soon as possible with price and availability.)
Are you a scary clown? Can you dress in other costumes?
I usually dress as “Sparkles the Clown” wearing gold or rainbow, sparkling hair. Most kids like my simple, colorful costume and metallic hair. But if you’d like me to not wear a costume, or to dress in something you see below, just let me know.

If you would like to hire a clown, the next step is to check availability.
Learn more About the Clown or Browse Murals & Gifts